Gemini Women’s Mixed Pairs

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Individual result for

Sinhye Yun / Adam Dennis

Category: All players
Rank: 11

R1 R2 R3
1Horseshoe2 2 2
2Putting Corners2 5 2
3SOS (Seve Or Safe)2 2 2
4Gateway to Hell3 4 2
5Downhill Dilemma1 2 2
6Turbulence3 4 4
7Dire Straits2 3 1
8Uphill Struggle2 3 6
9Halfway Round the Bend1 1 2
10Trident2 2 3
11Rocking Around2 2 2
12Putterfly Effect2 3 4
13Ledge End1 2 1
14Pacemaker2 2 2
15Ricochet2 3 2
16Mountain Pressure5 1 2
17Stuck Fore Choice2 4 2
18The Final Mole2 3 3

Sum 38 48 44
Average: 43.3
Total result: 130

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